Protect Your Pet’s Smile with Dental Visits

During your cat’s or dog’s annual wellness exam, we’ll take a look inside his or her mouth and let you know if we recommend a follow-up dental examination. Our goal is to identify and mitigate problems in your pet’s mouth before they lead to more serious issues. When bacteria builds up in your pet’s gums, it can travel into your pet’s bloodstream and impact the organs. Regular dental cleanings under general anesthesia offer the best protection against bacteria buildup.
We do recommend annual dental visits when feasible. When we quote you a price for a dental appointment, it will include everything your pet needs from start to finish: pre-anesthesia bloodwork, IV fluids and vital signs monitoring, the cleaning itself, and digital dental x-rays.
Our Dental Services
Because we perform our cleanings under general anesthesia, we take all of the same safety precautions that we do for our surgery patients, meaning we require a pre-anesthesia examination with bloodwork.
During your pet’s dental appointment, we will thoroughly scale any tartar and polish your pet’s teeth. Additionally, we’ll perform digital dental x-rays so we can assess the condition of the roots and treat the teeth where we need to. We may need to perform an extraction if a tooth is beyond saving, administer antibiotic therapy where infection is suspected, and provide periodontal therapy to treat receding gums.
Care Between Visits
You can support your pet’s oral health between dental cleanings by offering dental treats and chews, and by brushing your pet’s teeth if at all possible. There are even dental wipes on the market that can be used if you have a cooperative pet.
Signs that your pet might be experiencing dental problems include chewing on one side, persistent bad breath, and a reluctance to eat. Please call us right away if you suspect that your pet needs a thorough dental examination.